Hey family, this is the second time writing this email, I accidentally erased it. But this week has been good, I got a new companion for one week from Peru. I have learned a lot from Peru with him being here. But we found out this morning that he will be leaving to another place. We also found out that.... I am the new District leader and that i will be training a new missionary!! So it could be Elder Zach Jensen. We don't know who it is going to be still. I will go to the training tomorrow with the President, and all the new missionaries will be there. I will get to see Elder Jensen!!!! I am so excited. I really hope we can be companions!! But at least I get to see him. He will get here tonight and probably eat dinner with the President , then go to the training in the morning. So he will also probably get to email his family a few short sentences when he arrives in the office tonight if you want to tell his family about his situation. He doesn't know I will see him tomorrow, so it will be a good surprise!! Sorry this isn't so long, I already wrote one, but it was erased on accident. I liked the faith in every footstep. That is amazing. This week has been really tiring. We walked so much. In the nights we get to the house, plan, and then sleep. Then Saturday I could hardly walk. But I feel good because I am giving the Lord everything I have. Thanks for all your support. This is my favorite day and hour because I get to talk to you guys. Can I help you with anything? I love you all. The activity was really fun last week. It will be something that I will always remember. I guess in the canyon there are tigers and jaguares. That is awesome!! I also saw an iguana that was huge! I guess they eat the iguanas here! Well I love you all. Love Elder Parker
Dad, thanks for your email!! How have you been donig? It sounds pretty rough with jo-dog, but I know you are taking it like a father should. I am doing good here, I have good health, and am happy. It is getting a little hotter here, but it is also a little fresh some days. I really like that talk also, see people how they may become. It is something that we should all live by in this world. I should be able to see Zach tomorrow! There are like 160 missionaries in the mission right now. But there are a lot missing. By the end of this year about a hundrend sisters should be arriving in this mission and my elders too. So we should have a lot more. I am enjoying the area I have, it is a really big area, but I am taking control of it. The members are really supportive. The food is excellent. My favorite dish is tacos fritos. It is like those tacos in the freezer that you would always buy. That are rolled up. But they they fry them and have cheese and sauce and lettuce and lemon and all this stuff added on top. It taste a lot different then just the plain taco, and it is so good! I also like they pork tacos! Those are good, but I have only had that one time with my convert Marco and his family. The language is coming along, I still feel I need to know a lot more, but I am really trying. The Lord will bless me. I feel comfortable talking to people. At the first of my mission not so much, but I am getting more comfortable. And now I will be forced to talk more in the district meetings and zone meetings we will have. I will be giving classes every Tuesday for my district. And I will be interviewing the people for their baptisms. Thanks for all your help. I am doing fine here :) Love, Elder Parker
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