Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 1, 2012

Wow, how is my wonderful family doing!!!!! I am doing so good over here in Tuxtla Gutierrez Mexico!! This week has been really fast, but full of many adventures, blessings, and spiritual highs. Mom thank you for all those fun stories. Wow it sounds like you and dad had a lot of fun that one night!! I am so excited that you had fun, because I would feel bad if I was the only one having fun over here!! Keep having fun!! I am glad that the family is doing good!! I hope Jordan will get better soon, I pray for him everyday, and the family!! Many times during the day! Mom, happy birthday pretty soon!!!! I wish I could be there and give you a huge hug and a tortilla or two, but it will make it that much more special in two years when we can celebrate it, with the entire family, that is!! Wow, Lauren is going to Liberty Park for tennis!! Sounds like she is doing really good! Keep up the hard work, seester!! Mom, it sounds like you have a lot of courage to play the organ in church, I know I wouldn't be able to do that. Last week we were at the church for interviews with investigators and I played the piano for about 30 minutes, it was really fun and my companion was singing along with me. I read a quote in my personal study time this past week, it says... when great events occur, there are three types of persons manifested; 1. the individual who doesn't realize that anything great is happening. 2. The individual who realizes something is going on but doesn't know what it is. and 3. The man behind the scenes making it all happen. I loved this quote, and I am feeling the spirit right now as I am typing it. Just thought I'd share that with the family. We can all be the third individual if we do our part, and follow the spirit.

I met a kid who plays quarterback for their football team here. There are actually 4 or 5 kids I have met here who play football. I was able to carry some what of a conversation. Then on thursday, I had a division. I spent the whole day, slept over, and the next morning with a different companion in a different area. My companion was elder Parker, the zone leader. He is from Washington. He is American. We had a lot of success and he taught me a lot of good things about the mission and what to know. He is really awesome and I really love him a lot. So that was a fun day. One memory we had during that day was he thought he knew this family, so we started running after their car in the street. They finally stopped and we caught up to them about 200 yards down the road! hahaha turns out that it was the wrong family! It was so embarrassing, but we couldn't stop laughing. Last week my companion and I found a turtle in the road. We kept it for a few days as a pet. But the next morning we woke up, and it was gone. I guess it slipped through our gate and walked away... because it can't run away! hahah (Thought Nathan would like that story because he always wants to know if I've seen any animals.)

I heard for Christmas we can skype. I am not sure, but we will see once it gets closer to Christmas. Wow, so yesterday was really awesome, one of our investigators came to church. Then during church, that morning it was so, so hot, we were sweating within seconds as we stepped outside our house. Then during church, it started raining so hard! I mean really hard. We then left church, luckily a member gave us a ride. The water in the streets was so high. Seriously, the water was covering the tops of the tires on the cars. No joke. It felt like we were driving through a river. It was so awesome, and I couldn't believe how much water there was!! The food has surprisingly been really good here. I think the members figured it out or talk to each other about what I like, because I have liked everything these past couple of weeks. Today we had really good hot dogs and hamburgers. The members were making fun of me because that is what I said I wanted to eat. hahah He kept saying hot dog, because that was the same house where we ate the whole fish and he made fun of me and was saying, you like hot dogs but not fish. haha I love that family. I hope everything is going great at home. I do miss your cooking mom!! hahah no lie. None of this food can compare to your food. So Josh, Nathan, Lauren, Dad, and Jo, you don't take for granted what mom makes you!! spoiled!! I heard that my ward is the biggest ward in the mission, but who knows if that is true. They are so so kind, and I hope I stay here longer. The next transfer is on October 15. So we will find out then. Oh, I got my first haircut here in Mexico today! It feels so nice here! How is the whole family doing? How is football going? I love you all so much, and I realized how much I took being with you for granted. I love you and can't wait to make more memories with you when I get back. love Elder Parker-- the tan, mustached, Mexican, that is.

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