Wednesday, March 19, 2014

December 2, 2013

Hey mom I love you. HOw is everyone doing? How was thanksgiving for you guys? What was the best thing that you ate? This week went by really fast!! Which seems like week by week gets faster and faster. Thanksgiving dinner was incredible!! I can't believe what they went through to make it so huge. It was a great day that day and I almost forgot it was thanksgiving. Then we got to their house at 7:30. We got to eat. But the neat part was that before we started eating I explained to them what
thanksgiving was all about and how we should be grateful everyday with what our Father in Heaven gives us. There were like 30 people maybe there. And not all were members so it was great to teach them about being thankful. Then they asked me to say the prayer for the food. And then we dipped in!! It tasted really good. We didn't have turkey because they don't know how. But they had steak and potatoes and quesadillas and sausage and cinnamon rolls. It was such a great time. And I felt really happy. We have a great investigator that is progressing really fast. We met with him and taught him about the gospel and he ended with a prayer and started crying and said how great it felt to talk with our Father in Heaven. WE took him to the temple to the tours. He really enjoyed it. And in fact I got to see Elder Jensen there. He also brought an investigador there.

I had that appointment with the doctor. Everything went well. He told me I am healing really well.
He said I can start doing exercise on December the 10th. And he explained the likeliness of having another surgery. Which sounded like it won't ever happen again. That was a relief.

So knowing me, I really like Christmas and lights. We found some christmas lights in the house!! So we have them hung up in the house. It is just one string of lights, but it is better than nothing right? haha :)

A family from the ward are going to take us to Sam's Club to buy some food for the week.
I can't wait to see what there is.

Well I'll go so we can chat. I love you all. Love Elder Parker

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